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Place your trust in Forum Dentistry dental team to restore your smile!

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Forum Dentistry is one of the most reputable dental practices in St Leonards
About Dentures
Types of dentures

Forum Dentistry is one of the most reputable dental practices in St Leonards

Allow us to create quality, natural-looking dentures that will perfectly align with your teeth.

About Dentures

Dentures are a prosthetic device built to fit a patient’s mouth and replace one or more missing teeth. They are designed to be supported by the surrounding soft and hard tissue of the oral cavity and restore full functionality of your teeth. Due to their effectiveness, they are one of the most popular and widely used options for replacing missing teeth.

Types of dentures

Dentures can either be complete (that is, replace an upper or lower arch or both) or they can be partial, filling the space left by several missing teeth, preventing the remaining teeth from moving out of position. Dentures can be made entirely from acrylic or bonded with metal in order to provide additional structural support.

When it comes to partial dentures, they are made from a detailed mould of your gum contour and remaining teeth. They need to fit precisely which is why it takes around 5 visits to the dentist to create them and be sure that they provide the highest level of functionality and comfort.

Complete dentures are secured in place with adhesive gel and suction, whilst partial dentures are often held in place by clasps, which attach to your natural teeth on either side of the space. Both complete and partial dentures should remain stable at all times. If you notice at some point that your denture has become loose or slippery when you speak, cough or chew, you should schedule an appointment to have it adjusted.

Note that missing teeth can, over time, cause your gums to alter its shape, which means that your denture may not fit as snugly as it did when first placed. At this point, we encourage our patients to arrive and have their dentures realigned.

Relining is when the base of your denture needs to be re-shaped or replaced entirely so it fits comfortably and remains secure. Relining can often be completed in a single appointment in just 1 or 2 hours.

Get the Best Dentures in Sydney with Forum Dentistry

To receive the most optimal treatment with the highest-quality dentures in Sydney, turn to Forum Dentistry.

We do whatever we can on our part to help build dental products that will restore the full functionality of your teeth, as well as have them perfectly aligned with your natural ones.

Frequently asked questions

Partial dentures typically last between 10 and 15 years with good care. This means cleaning them, looking after your gums, eating a healthy diet, and attending regular dental visits.

However, over time, dentures can wear down, and the shape of your mouth and gums can change enough that you will need to have your partial denture replaced.

Regular appointments with your dentist will help you keep an eye on the situation and keep you informed about how well the denture is lasting.

Yes, absolutely! Partial dentures will restore full functionality to your mouth, so you will be able to eat and drink normally. There will be an adjustment period where you get used to your dentures, but they will soon become the norm.

The best dentures to get depend on your specific situation. If you have lost all of your teeth, you will likely be best getting a full set of dentures, and your dentist may recommend having an immediate set placed, followed by a conventional set.

If you have lost several teeth but still have some healthy teeth, your dentist may recommend a partial set of dentures. However, if you have lost your teeth to periodontal disease or another issue that may affect the rest of your teeth, your dentist may suggest extracting your remaining teeth that are unlikely to last and getting a full set of dentures.

It all depends on your current and likely future oral health, our team at St Leonards will guide you through the options.